
October 16, 2022
Series Description
The words that we use are very powerful. They can either tear us down or lift us up, they can wound or they can heal, they can bring life or bring death. And because what we say carries a lot of weight, sometimes when we do say what we say, we can often regret the way we said it. We weren’t listening and instead bulldozed over the other person in order to win the argument. We can often complain but not do anything about the situation. We can be very critical towards others and even towards ourselves. We can even use our words as a weapon to gossip about and hurt others.
But Jesus says that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Meaning that the way we speak gives us a glimpse as to what is going on in our hearts. So what would it look like for us to allow Jesus to examine our hearts so He can make us more kind and more patient with the things that we say and the way that we say it. How would addressing the way you speak to yourself and others bring life to both you and your relationships?