News & Announcements

Summer Blast: Jungle Safari Backyard Edition!
June 12, 2024
Welcome to Kids City Summer Blast: Jungle Safari Backyard Edition! A place where families from Community City Church and their friends from outside of church can come together as the kids have community and learn more about Jesus while the adults can connect and get to know each other.
Who can join in?
Summer Blast is for anyone with a child or children age 4 through 5th grade. The kids will engage with a Bible lesson, play games, do crafts, and have time for snacks and connection.
Please note that this is NOT a group where children are just dropped off, but rather an intentional time for parents/guardians to also gather during the time for deeper community and fellowship. The hope is that as parents/guardians get to know each other, they are now able to walk with each other as they walk with Jesus during this season of their lives. The children will be outside in the backyard as the parents/guardians will be inside connecting.
What are the dates?
The following are the four nights we will be meeting in Melrose for Summer Blast:
1. Tuesday, July 23rd, 6-7:30pm
2. Tuesday, July 30th, 6-7:30pm
3. Tuesday, August 6th, 6-7:30pm
4. Tuesday, August 13th, 6-7:30pm
What is the cost?
The cost is $20 per child. This cost is for all 4 of the Tuesdays and it helps to cover the cost of supplies, materials, snacks, t-shirts, etc. Financial assistance is available as we never want money to prevent anyone from participating.
What is the commitment?
We are asking families to make the commitment to be at all 4 Tuesdays of Summer Blast, however we do recognize that some people may travel over the summer. If that is the case, we are asking for families to commit to coming for at least 3 out of the 4 Tuesdays.
Any questions, please email:
We can’t wait to celebrate with you and your family!